[VRC] Runa/Luna Rave Texture Set - AudioLink
A new revamped version of this texture set is in the works!!
This will bring this texture up to my new higher standards and skills, and will also be overall cheaper for you guys by dividing it up into small packages for each part. That way you don't have to buy a ton of textures you're not gonna use.
This texture will not drop in price, but will become unavailable after the updated version comes out.
Check out my twitter for updates here!
Ain't no party like an Android party!
Party in style with this AudioLink Material set for Torinyan's Runa/Luna VRChat avatar, and become the center of attention! (and look better than any Raruhs out there)
With AudioLink the emissions will be bouncing to the music, it'll be quite the light show!
Materials included for the following assets
[Gameready][VRC] Runa/Luna
[VRC] Runa Kat Kit
[VRC] Runa B0-0BA Attachment
[VRC] Runa Cricket MK1
[VRC] Runa Bunny Conductor Set
[VRC] Runa Hairset
[VRC] Runa Endoskeleton
[VRC] Runa Horned Antennas
[VRC] Runa Robot GF Upgrade
- Poiyomi 8.2 or higher
- Torinyan's Runa Avatar (and any desired parts)
- Unity Knowledge and Animation Knowledge
No Animations for part swaps or hue shifts are included, you have to make those yourself.
Note: AudioLink only works in VRChat worlds that support it, if you go into a world that doesn't support it, you will just glow by default and not flash to any music played.
Warning: No promise of assistance can be given for now.
An Audiolink Material Set for Torinyan's VRChat avatar Runa/Luna.